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Video Tutorials for Latest Product Versions

Schoolhouse Test 6

Adding Questions or Other Items to a Test Document

If you're new to working with Schoolhouse Test 6, you might be wondering how to add new test or design items to a test document. This video will explain how.

Schoolhouse Test 5


In this introductory video we check out how to navigate the program, how to locate information and tools, and how to start your first test document with Schoolhouse Test 5.

Adding a Question or Design Item

We go over how to add a question or design item to a test document in Schoolhouse Test 5. In this video the Multiple Choice edition of the software is used, but everything reviewed in the video applies to all editions.

Changing the Font

In Schoolhouse Test 5 font changes can be made individually, question by question, using the Text Editor. But if you want to change the look of the text for the whole document, you will want to use Global Font Editor. This video reviews how to customize the look of your test document using the Text Editor or Global Font Editor.

Begin Group and End Group

If you use randomize with your tests but there are some groupings of questions and design items that you want to keep together, you will want to check out this introduction to Begin Group and End Group.

Title Group

Once you have added your question data in Schoolhouse Test 5, you will want to turn your attention to formatting the test document and answer sheet. By default both the test document and answer sheet have a first page title group. In this video, we demonstrate how to customize the title group, or how to remove it entirely from the test document or answer sheet.

Vocabulary Worksheet Factory 6

Introduction to Vocabulary Worksheet Factory

If you're just getting started with any edition of Vocabulary Worksheet Factory 6 you will want to check out this introductory video.

Some of the basic Vocabulary program features are covered, and a Word Search worksheet is created ready to print and to save.

Add a Simple Header to Your Document

The header is the section of the Vocabulary Worksheet Factory 6 document that appears in the top margin. The header often contains information like page number, date or document name. When set as visible, the header appears on each page your document, though there is an option to have the header start on either the first or second page of the document. This video demonstrates how to create a simple header for a one page worksheet; and in this demonstration, the header is used in place of the more elaborate title group.

Add a Title Group

A title group is a great design element to add to the top of your one page worksheet, or to use on the first page of your multi-page document. A header appears on every page of your multi-page document, while the title group appears on the page where it is added.

Have you used previous versions of Vocabulary Worksheet Factory? The title group is the combination of title, picture, and text fields that appeared at the top of the worksheet page when working with the older versions of the Vocabulary program.

Introducing Custom Questions

The Custom Questions activity provides a way for you to manually add questions with answers to a vocabulary document. Both text and pictures can be used for the question and answer parts of custom questions.

Spelling Hunt Updated in Version 6

The Sentence activity Spelling Hunt has been given a great update for Vocabulary Worksheet Factory 6. Spelling Hunt is a great activity for reinforcing spelling errors when words are in used in the context of a sentence. And unlike Spelling Quest and Spelling Challenge, you now have control over the words that will be misspelled in each sentence, and how those words will be misspelled.

Word Clouds

With the release of Vocabulary Worksheet Factory 6, you will discover a new design element has been added - Word Cloud. The video below highlights how to work with the word cloud options to create an interesting word cloud display to use in your vocabulary document.

NOTE: Currently Word Cloud is optimized to work with English language text. Words like the, a, to, etc. are filtered out of the displayed text. If you use French, or Spanish, or any other non-English text, you will find the word display has not been optimized. Smaller less important words will be given more prominence based solely on how often they appear in the text.

Math Resource Studio 7 & 6

Creating a Quick Facts Worksheet with Math Resource Studio 7

Create your first math worksheet following this quick start video featuring Math Resource Studio 7. View a detailed overview of many of the options that can be employed in modifying the structure and layout of a Quick Facts worksheet.

Introduction to Math Resource Studio

If you're just getting started with any edition of Math Resource Studio you will want to check out this introductory video. Some of the main features of the program are demonstrated in this video, plus a worksheet with multiple exercise sets is created ready to print and save using the free evaluation Basic Facts edition.

Using Templates

Templates are a great tool for creating review or special occasion materials. Spend a little time on format and exercise set options to create just the perfect worksheet for your students, then save it as a template. When you're ready to create a new worksheet of questions, use the template you've created and click Generate for the exercise sets to get a brand new set of questions.

Basic Word Problems - Adding a Problem Template

How to add a problem template to Word Problems-Addition under Basic Number Operations. The steps described in this video can be applied to all of the basic Word Problem operations.

Using Move Up and Move Down

Sometimes when working with a math document, a design element or exercise set has been added to the document, but not in the position you want on the page. There are few ways to deal with this situation, but using Move Up or Move Down is one of the easiest ways to move an element.

Schoolhouse Bingo 3

Video Tutorials for Earlier Product Versions

Schoolhouse Test 4

Schoolhouse Test 3

Vocabulary Worksheet Factory 5

Vocabulary Worksheet Factory 4

Math Resource Studio 5

Schoolhouse Bingo 2