Schoolhouse Test

Free Multiple-Choice Test Generator

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Download the free Multiple-Choice Edition of Schoolhouse Test 6 and not only get an outstanding multiple-choice test generator but also evaluations of all the question types found in the Basic and Professional editions. (*Evaluation questions are limited by obscured print output.)

Design questions with up to six choices. Each choice can include a picture, can be deactivated when not required for a particular test, and can be locked against any randomization.

Choices can be added or removed by simply pressing the plus or minus buttons. Randomizing the choices is simply a matter of pressing the randomize button. The question can be structured in up to six columns and ordered by column or row.

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Windows 11, 10, 8, 7   Windows® 11, 10, 8, 7
File Size: 41.24 MB
File Name: SchoolhouseTest6MultipleChoiceSetup.exe